[1 (a)] Adding a domain from another company to your hosting company


Did you know that you can host multiple domains on your hosting company and still pay that same price? This means that you can have www.fish.com, www.dog.com, www.peter.com, etc, all hosted on one account for the same price. Well, you do have to purchase each domain separately.

If you bought a domain from another company,  you may also add it to your hosting account. Here is how you do it.

[1] Log in to the account where you bought that domain and look for DNS (Domain Name Servers) >> Update DNS to now point to

[2] Log in to your Hosting and  >> go to DOMAINS section >> Domain Manager

[3]  Assign a domain to your cPanel account

[4] You will be auto-forwarded to new page >> on page

Step 1: Enter Domain >> Choose  2nd option

Use a domain that is not already associated with your account. Domain: “enter domain WITHOUT www.”

Step 2: Verify Ownership

Do nothing. If done correctly, this should auto confirm ownership

Step 3: Choose Addon vs. Parked

Do nothing. This defaults to Addon.

Step 4: Choose Addon Directory and Sub-domain

Do nothing. This defaults to ‘Create a new directory.’


** Depending on the company where you bought the domain, this may take up to 36 hours.

Step 1: Enter Domain